For Students in Hybrid Courses

What you should know before class

  • Your campus access status
  • Connected to Saxanet wifi
  • Canvas course set-up, notifications enabled
  • Parking is available on the neighborhood, zone basis.  There is no free parking at this time.

What you need for class if you are in person

  • Mask
  • Laptop
  • Wifi connection via Saxanet
  • Canvas course open
  • Earbuds or headphones, as needed during class

How you can expect to engage during your synchronous sessions

  • Students, both online and in-person, will be connected to a single Zoom session accessed via the course’s Canvas Zoom Conferencing menu item. 
  • In-person students: make sure to keep yourself muted if you are in-person, or don’t join the audio unless necessary. 
  • Online students will have a visual of the whole classroom, but if all students are connected to the Zoom session, they’ll be able to see their classmates’ faces for a more connected experience.  
  • Professors may share slides or other visuals and they may also invite students to share screens, links, or participate in online collaborative spaces such as Google docs, Jamboards, Voicethreads, polls, etc.

Appropriate use of backchannels

  • Your profesor may or may not engage with chat depending on the class session plans, the availability of ITAs, faculty preference, and student preference.  If you are in a class that uses backchannels, here is a resource on how faculty may choose to use them.